
What is an Alternative Break trip?

During the last few years I have become addicted to alternative break trips! In fact, I was forced to plan an Alternative Winter Break trip to New Orleans so I could keep my withdrawal symptoms at bay (a first for MSU!!!). A MSU Alternative Spring Break trip consists of quality direct service opportunities, education about the social issues specific to the trip, and exposure to new cultures and communities. I excitedly have moved up the ranks from a participant, to a site leader (trip leader), to a Co-Chair. As a Co-Chair for the program this year I was heavily involved in the planning and training process for the 2010 spring, winter, weekend, and summer break trips!

Accordingly, this school year has been incredible busy with planning the alternative breaks for over 300 Michigan State students! Being so involved and knowing much of the details for all the trips this year made it near impossible to pick my spring break trip this year. I was the VERY last person at MSU to pick my trip.

I had heard so many incredible memories from past participants to our site in Mission, South Dakota that I was eventually drawn into the snowy tundra that is the Great Plains in early March. Some may think me odd, but I never would have traded a lounge chair on the beach for my wonderful time on ASB Mission: South Dakota 2010.

I've been on a few Alternative Breaks trips in my college career and by far this was the most jaw dropping. The brutal truth our group encountered was eye opening and deeply sad, yet by the end of the week us twelve MSU Spartans had newfound understanding, respect, and hope.